Tag Archives: stuff


Story of Stuff – Breaking old patterns!

Story of Stuff – Breaking old patterns!

It shows the route followed by our Material economy…
At almost every level of the chain, from extraction to disposal, natural resources, communities, personal time and leisure has been mis-used…Phrases and terms like ‘bumping into our limits’, ‘having only 1 planet’, ‘planned obsolescence’ (designed for the dump) and ‘perceived obsolescence’ (fashion, ads), ‘externalized costs of production‘ and more…drive home the point which is:

‘The present culture of materialism and consumerism did’nt just come on its own…People created it (the old system)..and we are also people – so let us create something new…!’

Read it to convince yourself and tell others of the need to ‘reduce , reuse, recycle and recover’…That is the only ‘practical way going forward’!